Linux Terminal komutları

 screen kullanımı:

screen : diyerek yeni ekran açılır.

screen -ls : screen listesini gösterir.

screen -r : tek bir tane ekran açıksa o ekranı devam ettirir. ls den bakılan pid değeri yanına yazılırsa ilgili ekrana devam edilir.

<pwd // bulunulan dizini gösterir.
cd .. // istenilen dizine gider.
touch // dosya oluşturur.
ls // dizindeki dosyaları listeler.

mkdir klasör oluşturur.

top kullanımı :

List All Processes

To list all running Linux processes on your system, open a terminal and enter:


Sort Processes

By default, top sorts the process list using the %CPU column. To sort processes using a different column, press one of the following keys:

  • M. Sort by the %MEM column.
  • N. Sort by PID column.
  • T. Sort by the TIME+ column.
  • P. Sort by the %CPU column.

In the following example, the process list is sorted by the %MEM column:

Sort processes in the top command by columns.

Send a Signal

Use the top command to send any signal to a running process. Press the k key and enter the process PID. top gives you a chance to type the signal you want to send. Not entering a specific signal kills the process.

For example:

Sending a signal / killing a process in Linux.

Here, we killed the mysql process 1207.

Sort Processes

By default, top sorts the process list using the %CPU column. To sort processes using a different column, press one of the following keys:

  • M. Sort by the %MEM column.
  • N. Sort by PID column.
  • T. Sort by the TIME+ column.
  • P. Sort by the %CPU column.

In the following example, the process list is sorted by the %MEM column:

Sort processes in the top command by columns.


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